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2024-12-11 11:01  瀏覽數:185  來源:xiaoningzu    

Article 11 Organizing and Implementing Units:(1) The Student Affairs Office formulates wor
k plans according to these measures and distributes them to each college in a timely manne
r. Each college or relevant unit organizes the selection in accordance with the selection
conditions and procedures stipulated in these measures based on the work plans.(2) The exc
ellent academic performance scholarship is selected by grade and major. Individual scholar
ships (among which the social work scholarship is selected at both the university and coll
ege levels, and students cannot apply repeatedly. The rest of the individual scholarships
are selected by college), outstanding classes, and classes with excellent academic atmosph
eres are selected by college and organized by the college. Outstanding student association
s are selected across the whole university and organized by the Student Affairs Office in
conjunction with the University Youth League Committee. The selection of outstanding dormi
tories is carried out by apartment building and organized by the Apartment Management Sect
ion of the Student Affairs Office.Article 12 Review Process:(1) The basic process for the
review of outstanding individual scholarships is: personal application, class evaluation,
college selection and review, approval by the college's Party and administrative joint mee
ting, publicity within the college, review by the Student Affairs Office, publicity at the
university level, and signing and approval by the university leader in charge of student
work and the president.(2) The basic process for the review of outstanding collective scho
larships is: unit application, college selection and review, approval by the college's Par
ty and administrative joint meeting, publicity within the college, review by the Student A
ffairs Office, publicity at the university level, and signing and approval by the universi
ty leader in charge of student work and the president.Article 13 Review Time:(1) Various s
cholarships are reviewed once every academic year, and the review time is in September eac
h year.(2) For graduating grades, only the first semester of the graduating academic year
is reviewed, and only the excellent academic performance scholarship is reviewed. The amou
nt of the scholarship is halved. Individual scholarships and outstanding collective schola
rships are not reviewed. The review time is in March each year.Article 14 Review Methods:(
1) The excellent academic performance scholarship is implemented through a selection syste
m, that is, it is selected based on students' academic performance rankings, with referenc
e to the quantitatively assessed scores of ideological and moral qualities and the test sc
ores of the "National Students' Physical Health Standards".(2) Scholarships for outstandin
g collectives, individual scholarships, the principal's scholarship, the national scholars
hip, the national motivational scholarship, the Jilin provincial government scholarship, a
nd special scholarships are all implemented under an application system. That is, anyone w
ho meets the requirements can apply and submit relevant supporting materials such as award
certificates (the time range of award certificates and other supporting materials is from
September 1 of the previous year to August 31 of the year when the awards are given). Tho
se who fail to submit a written application within the specified time will be regarded as
having automatically waived their eligibility for selection.(3) Individual scholarships ar
e selected based on the ranking of the bonus points of the applying students, with referen
ce to the quantitatively assessed scores of ideological and moral qualities and the test s
cores of the "National Students' Physical Health Standards".(4) In case of a tie for the e
xcellent academic performance scholarship, priority will be given to those who have won ho
norary titles above the school level, participated in various competitions or have higher
quantitatively assessed scores of ideological and moral qualities. In case of a tie for in
dividual scholarships, the academic performance of students will be referred to for select
ion.(5) The excellent academic performance scholarship and individual scholarships can be
obtained simultaneously, and various individual scholarships can also be obtained simultan
eously.Article 15 Publicity and Handling of AppealsEach college or relevant unit must publ
icize the preliminary evaluation results of various scholarships within the unit for 3 wor
king days. Those who have objections can file an appeal to the college or relevant unit du
ring the publicity period. The college or relevant unit should give a reply within 3 worki
ng days after receiving the appeal. If students still have objections to the reply of the
college or relevant unit, they can file a written appeal to the Student Affairs Office wit
hin 3 working days after the reply of the college or relevant unit. The Student Affairs Of
fice should give a handling opinion within 3 working days after receiving the students' wr
itten appeal and notify the students themselves of the handling result. If students have o
bjections to the handling result, they can appeal to the School Appeal Handling Committee
within 3 working days.Chapter IV Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 16 Each college can refin
e these measures in combination with the characteristics of disciplines and the situation
of students. The additional relevant regulations must be submitted to the Student Affairs
Office for review and implemented after approval.Article 17 The calculation of the selecti
on proportion of various scholarships stipulated in these measures strictly adheres to the
principle of rounding off. The calculation of the average academic performance retains th
ree decimal places.Article 18 When referring to quantities, amounts and days in these meas
ures, "above" or "below" both include the number itself.Article 19 If students are found t
o have committed fraud in the process of scholarship selection and the fact is verified, t
heir eligibility for various scholarship selections will be cancelled for two years, and c
orresponding disciplinary sanctions will be imposed.Article 20 In case of any inconsistenc
y between other relevant regulations and these measures, these measures shall prevail.


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